Gain deep insights into your distribution network. Evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing and sales strategies. Keep a close eye on the performance and positioning of all distribution partners.
Monitor you distribution ecosystem to optimise your performance
Whatever your business activity, your customers are now in the habit of preparing or even completing their purchases online. To achieve and maintain a competitive advantage, the mastering of the distribution ecosystem information is key. It allows you to assess and adjust the performances of your product and pricing strategy to improve your sales conversions.
Your challenges
Understand your market positioning and performance as a distributor
Follow up the efficiency of your marketing campaigns on sales volumes
Collect and manage data from your distribution ecosystem
Lizeo delivers market intelligence solutions to understand a distribution ecosystem based on high quality data analysis. These solutions provide the right mix of data, analytics, panels and audit services that enable brands to assess the performance of their marketing & sales strategy and identify new business opportunities.
Lizeo®.distribution solutions
Distribution Data
Benefit from data from physical points of sale and a distribution network to map the ecosystem and increase business opportunities.
Independent private and public market share panels to understand the market and measure your brand’s performance within the distribution ecosystem, offline or online.