Data Blog by Lizeo

Digital transformation: data at the heart of your business

Digital transformation: data at the heart of your business

The Internet and the ever-increasing flow of data it generates has pushed companies to completely reinvent themselves in order to focus on the digital future. It is the catalyst for a complete digital transformation. How can you accelerate and make this transition sustainable within your company? How can you obtain an in-depth understanding of your market in real time and successfully satisfy your customers? What if Data was your key asset for the digital transformation?

Digital transformation for companies: the 4 main lines of attack ​

The digital transformation aims to integrate digital technologies into a company’s activities. Following the widespread use of information technology (IT) in organizations, these technologies are continually improving, often creating new economic models.
The digital transition is based around 4 main areas.
  1. The customer relationship: digitizing the customer journey provides an in-depth knowledge and real time monitoring of consumer behavior. It is then possible to customize the customer experience, particularly in a multi-channel approach.
  2. Organisation and work methods: today, the use (amongst other things) of collaborative, decentralized tools optimizes the company’s support functions and internal processes, resulting in clear time and cost savings.
  3. Business development: digitalization allows new business opportunities and innovative economic models to emerge.
  4. Data collection and analysis: the integration and use of Data in daily tasks for services also helps improve decision making (Marketing, Sales, Pricing, Category Management, etc.) based on factual, complete and up to date elements.

Technological pillars for the digital transformation

  • Mobility and real time: provides access, at any time, to accurate, fresh and up to date information on which the activity can be based. Today, this is particularly important since an increasing number of business activities and interactions take place with mobility.
  • IoT (Internet of Things): this refers to all the objects and physical systems connected to the Internet which collects new information relating to its environment.
  • Business Intelligence (BI) : also referred to as a decision support system, it designates a set of tools and applications allowing analysts to view and work on available data.
  • The Cloud and SaaS (Software as a Service): via the Internet, it is now possible to access resources, tools and services, upon request, from anywhere in the world.

Data as a vehicle to understand the market ​

Through Data, companies can enter the Smart Business era. For your employees, it is the possibility to use all data available in the company and its surrounding eco-system to make relevant decisions and create value quickly. But before being able to make these informed decisions, a company must be capable of collecting relevant data on all aspects of its activity.

You said Smart Business?

Smart Business is an approach adopted in companies to facilitate strategic and operational decision making. It is based on the use of data in real time coming from, in particular :

  • business activities
  • multi-channel exchanges with third parties: wholesalers, distributors, dealers, etc;
  • consumers reactions on products and services;
  • connected equipment (IoT), etc.

The collected data then requires a technical preparation so that market insights can be extracted using analysis or visualisation tools.

Data is then integrated into business tools (for example, a CRM), in view of optimizing the company’s internal processes. The insights are shared by the business teams (Marketing, Sales, Pricing, Category Management, Customer Service, etc.).

Through this Smart Business approach, the company can then:

  • Improve its customers experience;
  • Obtain a better understanding of its market;
  • Increase the efficiency of services.

If the digital transformation of a company can be considered in different areas, the focal point of any approach remains the Data. This remains true whether this Data is generated by the transformation or the digital transformation takes place through the use of Data. Starting with its collection, companies then need to use it before processing the data appropriately to successfully extract the expected lessons from it. At stake: a better control of the market, the identification of new business opportunities or even building a better customer experience. At the heart of this transition that creates value, data cannot, under any circumstances, be neglected. Do you need assistance with your transition to becoming a Data-driven business?