Lizeo®.Distribution Panel

Monitor your market share and your sales performance

Entrust your private and independent panels to a trusted third party data expert

The more channels there are between you and your final customer, the more difficult it is to assess your sales performance at each step of the distribution chain. However, understanding your product journey to the final consumer by capturing relevant distribution data is key as it allows you to measure the performance of your sales & marketing strategies and understand the market.

Your Challenges

Understanding sell-out data from distributors to retailers

Process collected data by managing multiple formats and content

Ensure data confidentiality and security at all levels of the ecosystem

Lizeo®. Distribution Panel

Lizeo is a trusted third party between brands and distribution stakeholders to collect market data and to provide all players with key information about :

  • Sell out volumes & prices from a panel study
  • Regional view of sales
  • Market shares, etc.

Thanks to its independence and expertise in data management, Lizeo can provide two types of panels (offline and online) :

  • Private Panel, on behalf of a brand, with only brand related data
  • Independent Panel, for an ecosystem of stakeholders


To ensure a high level of data confidentiality while guaranteeing a relevant level of analysis of the panel, Lizeo has set up a double confidentiality management system:

Data analysis provided to brands:

Lizeo guarantees the non-disclosure of distributors’ market share

Data analysis provided to distributors:

  • Each distributor knows its own performance in relation to the entire panel
  • A minimum number of distributors is required to provide detailed information and maintain confidentiality

How does it work?

Deliverables: Analysis & Reporting

Lizeo®.distribution panel provides data analysis through dashboards and KPIs thanks to a SAAS Business intelligence tool and reports customized per a stakeholder profile (brand or distributor).

Private Panel Indicators (on brand products):

  • Total sales volume per distributor
  • Detailed volume by product & market segment
  • Actual sales vs forecasts
  • Regional sales information
  • Inventory optimization (stocks)
  • Individual distributor performance compared to the whole panel

Independent Panel Indicators:

  • Sales volume and market trends within the panel scope

  • Analysis of the performance of the brand products compared to competing brands in the global panel

  • Visibility of distributor contribution in relation to the global panel (for distributors)

The Benefits as a Brand

Strategic analysis of your product sales and market share

Data collection process performed by a trusted third party

The Benefits as a Distributor

Measure your performance in terms of volume and price vs total market

Benchmarking against competitors on brand products (private panel)

Who is it for?

Sales Teams

Identify advantages to boost your sales and adapt your sales strategy
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Marketing Teams

Monitor your market share compared to your ecosystem
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Pricing Teams

Monitor your pricing strategy and the effect on volumes
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Top Management

A precise view of your marketing and sales strategy performance within your distribution ecosystem
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