What are the online consumer search habits for fragrance?

Data Blog by Lizeo Back What are the online consumer search habits for fragrances? Lizeo, a leader in online data in the automotive industry for over 10 years, is leveraging its expertise to serve new sectors while diversifying its scope of services. The fragrance industry is one of the new sectors being studied by Lizeo. Over the past few months, several studies have been conducted on consumer online searches. Analyzing online searches allows for a better understanding of the consumer helping to anticipate their expectations and positioning to meet their needs from the very first phase of their search. The goal is to identify key elements of the search (keywords, retailers, brands…) in order to adapt the online presence of brands and uncover emerging trends in the field. The Challenges for Businesses in the Fragrance Industry Identifying online consumer search habits in fragrances and gaining a better understanding of the consumer. Identifying digital touchpoints that consumers encounter during their search journey. Gaining a competitive edge in terms of SEO positioning. Assessing spontaneous brand awareness. The methodology for analyzing the online search journey of fragrance buyers Lizeo conducts pre-research to understand the target market and the behavior of online users when they are in the pre-purchase phase of their search journey. Definition of keywords and search queries to build a defined lexical universe Selecting the keywords that make up the lexical universe requires specific knowledge of fragrances and their market. Once the lexical universe has been refined, the search queries are categorized in order to classify the intentions of online shoppers. Extraction of search volumes We extract search volumes for each keyword on Google. Simulation of search results by query This stage enables us to retrieve the Google results for each keyword or query. Our method enables us to calculate potential traffic for each site. Classification of digital touchpoints Ranking and classification of the 100 best-performing sites in terms of estimated number of clicks. Categorization of retailer websites Each of the sites in this top list is then analyzed and categorized according to its purpose for the consumer while providing an essential element in our analysis. Online Fragrance Search: What Do We Learn from the Collected Data? Consumer Searches by Theme Consumers primarily search for a brand or a product reference (Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, and Chanel lead the searches). L’Oréal Group brands outperform those of the LVMH Group. Retailers play a significant role in the search phase with Sephora and Nocibé being regularly mentioned in connection with a fragrance brand. These same retailers (Sephora and Nocibé) are the main touchpoints in the consumer journey accounting for over a quarter of the estimated traffic in the fragrance universe. The Most Searched Brands Insights: Analyzing consumer searches allows us to determine the place a brands holds in their consumer’s mind. It also identifies the preferred distribution channels that become automatic searches for consumers. Collaborating with these distribution channels allows the brand to increase its visibility and sales through featured placement on e-commerce sites. Do you want to understand and learn more about the online buying journey of your customers when they are searching for a fragrance? Contact us Related posts Would you like a demo?